Remember senior portraits back- in- the- day? You contacted 1 of 4 local photographer’s, but go with the one all of your friends chose. There’s that one cool white or black backdrop or if you want to go big…outside leaning against the big oak tree. You might have practiced that fake and somewhat awkward smile in the mirror. You know, the one that makes you look “cool.” Thankfully, senior portraits have come a long way. During my senior sessions, it always makes me smile to know that my seniors will get portraits that directly reflect who they are and will be dynamic, different, interesting and beautiful. I do have to giggle sometimes when I think about my own senior portraits and just how far high school senior photography has come! Thank goodness!
5 Ways Senior Portraits have evolved over the years
1. Being able to lean against the biggest oak tree with your arms crossed is no longer the most sought after pose among graduating seniors.
2. Aqua net is more readily used for preserving cut flowers or for self defense than to plaster one’s hair into a stiff, yet frizzy art form on your head.
3. White clothes on a white background is no longer shocking!
4. One studio setting with four poses is not your best option.
5. Seniors no longer want the exact same pose and location as their friends, they want to be different and express their own style- Yay!